Now that appliances are in place, it is very important to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen throughout the course of your treatment. Braces, wires, bands and aligners can all trap food particles and can jeopardize the structural durability of your teeth. Brushing after each meal or snack along with flossing once a day is the best way to keep things clean, and prevent any dental infection from forming.
Especially during orthodontic treatment, brush your teeth four times daily to avoid the accumulation of food particles in your teeth and braces:
Flossing takes more time and patience when you are wearing braces, but it is important to floss your teeth every day. We recommend flossing at night to make sure your teeth are clean before you go to bed.
A floss threader can be used to help clean underneath your archwire. Place a piece of regular floss through the hoop of the floss threader. You can then guide the more “needle” looking end underneath the archwire and pull the floss through. At this point, you can now use the floss to get under the contact of the teeth and clean between your gums and tooth.
Stiff ended floss, which can be thread below the wire and utilized as routine floss, or an orthodontic floss pick are also great options for routine flossing with braces.
All of these options will allow for easier access to surfaces under your archwire and in between your teeth.
An interdental (between the teeth) toothbrush is used to clean underneath and around your archwires and braces. Please use the interdental toothbrush gently to avoid damaging your wires.
We recommend using a fluoride rinse to help prevent tooth decay while you are wearing braces. A fluoride rinse will kill bacteria and replace minerals in the tooth enamel that have been removed by harmful acids.
Using a fluoride rinse does not replace daily brushing and flossing, but it should be used following your daily schedule at bedtime. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes after rinsing. It is important for the active ingredient to stay on your teeth for 30 minutes, so do not wash it away by eating, drinking or rinsing.
Just like teeth, food particles and plaque can accumulate on your appliance(s). To combat this, you must brush your removable appliance(s) every day as part of your regular brushing and flossing routine. Soaking your appliance once a day in room temperature water along with a denture cleanser tablet is the best way to keep it clean. This will prevent any food particles or plaque from building up, and keep your appliance fresh. If your appliance needs a deeper clean, you can scrub it with a toothbrush, but take note to use a minimally abrasive toothpaste as it could show signs of wear on your appliance(s).